Course Calendar
Week 1 - Rigid Body Motion, Kinematics, Lagrangian Dynamics of Robots (Review of C106A/206A)
- Discussion 1: Review of rotations, rigid body motions, kinematics, inverse kinematics (Worksheet) (Boardwork) (Solutions) (Video)
- Homework 0: Optional MATLAB Bootcamp We recommend you use MATLAB Online if you don’t already have MATLAB installed. Note that we will be moving away from MATLAB and to Python instead this semester.
- Homework 1: Review (due 2/2)
- Project 1A: Trajectory Tracking with Baxter (Project Doc) (Lab Slides)
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Reading - MLS Ch 3.4, 4.1-4.3
Week 2 - Introduction to Basic Lyapunov Stability and Nonlinear Control
- Discussion 2: Review of velocities and Jacobians (Worksheet) (Boardwork) (Solutions) (Video)
- Lab Slides
- Robot Usage Guide
- “Reading a scientific or engineering paper” - presented by Professor Terry Johnson
- “How to read all of research (a lit review)” - presented by David McPherson
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Reading - MLS 4.5
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Reading - MLS 4.4
Week 3 - Concepts for Steering Nonholonomic Systems
- Discussion 3: Lyapunov stability (Worksheet) (Video Walkthrough) (Live Video) (Solutions) (Boardwork)
- Homework 2: Controls (due 2/11)
- Lab 0: Review of Robot Operating System (Lab Doc)
- Project 1B: Trajectory Tracking with Baxter (Project Doc) (Lab Slides)
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Reading - MLS Chapter 5
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Reading - MLS Chapter 7
Week 4 - Path Planning for Nonholonomic Systems
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Reading - MLS Chapter 8
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Reading - MLS
Week 5 - Path planning for Nonholonomic Systems
- Discussion 5: Path Planning (Worksheet) (Video) (Solutions)
- Homework 3: Path Planning (due 2/28)
- Project 2: Nonholonomic Control with Turtlebots (Project Doc) (Lab Slides)
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Reading - MaSKS Ch 1, 2
Week 6 - Image Formation and Photometry (Review of C106A/206A)
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Reading - MaSKS Ch 1, 2
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Reading - MaSKS Ch 4
Week 7 - Two View Geometry & Multiple Views
- Discussion 7: Computations for Two View Geometry (Worksheet) (Video) (Solutions)
- Homework 4: Vision (due 3/20)
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Reading - MaSKS Ch 5
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Reading - MaSKS Ch 6, 8, 9
Week 8 - Multiple Views
- Discussion 8: Algorithms for Multi-view Geometry (Worksheet) (Video) (Solutions)
- Final Project Guidelines
- Previous Years’ Final Projects
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Reading - MaSKS Ch 9 & 10
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Reading - MaSKS Ch 9 & 10
Week 9 - Grasping
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
MLS Ch 11 and Appendix B
Please note that there is the Course Capture video on bCourses as well since Prof. Sastry gestured a lot
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
MLS Ch 11 and Appendix B
Week 10 - Spring Break
Stay safe!
Stay safe!
Week 11 - Manipulation of Grasped Objects
- Discussion 9: Grasping (Worksheet) (Video)
- Project 3: Grasp Planning (Project Doc) (Intro Video) (Video Slides)
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Week 12 - Soft Robotics, SLAM
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Week 13 - Special Topics
- Project 4: Soft Robotics (Project Doc) (Lab Slides) (Video)
(Video) (Scribe Notes)
(Video) (Scribe Notes)
Week 14 - Intro to Legged Robots
- Intermediate project presentations due April 17th 11:59pm
- Peer Reviews due April 20st 11:59pm
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Week 15 - UAVs
(Slides) (Video) (Scribe Notes)
Good luck on your final projects!
Week 16
- RRR Week: No Lectures
Week 17
- Good luck on your exams!
Final Project Report and Website Due