EECS C106B/206B | Robotic Manipulation and Interaction

Spring 2022

Yi Ma

Yi Ma



Shankar Sastry

Shankar Sastry



Welcome to EECS C106B/206B!

All Announcements

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Course Description

This course is an introduction to advanced topics and research in robotics and intelligent machines. The course is a sequel to EECS/Bioengineering/ME C106A and EECS C206A which covers the mathematical fundamentals of robotics including kinematics, dynamics and control as well as an introduction to path planning, obstacle avoidance, and computer vision This course will present several areas of robotics and active vision, at a deeper level and informed by current research. Concepts will include the review at an advanced level of robot control, the kinematics, dynamics and control of multi-fingered hands, grasping and manipulation of objects, mobile robots: including non-holonomic motion planning and control, path planning, Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM), and active vision. Additional research topics to be covered at the instructor’s discretion include: locomotion and walking robots, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, soft robotics, and Augmented/Virtual Reality.