EECS C106A/206A | Introduction to Robotics
Fall 2024
Roberto Horowitz
Week 11 Announcements
This week is the buffer week of Lab Module C.
Please anticipate a change to the lab schedule as we transition into the final projects. More details coming soon.
This is the final week of discussion!
This week’s Bridge section will also be the last! Noah will cover both dynamics and controls this week. Please be sure to take advantage of this time!
HW 9 is due Wed 11/13
It’s the last homework! Final stretch! You got this!
The midterm is in class on 11/21
Anticipate another Ed announcement tomorrow with logistic details and the practice exam.
The review session for the practice will be on 11/18 7-9pm in Soda 306 (HP Auditorium)
Anticipate another Ed announcement soon with some FAQs and additional details.
Your first check-in is due 11/16.
Anticipate two logistical announcements coming out this week: one for final projects and one for the midterm.
Thanks again for your feedback! Review some responses at #436
As teased in that document, we will be hosting a Belonging Brunch on Saturday for students who feel like they might not be the typical EECS/robotics student. Please RSVP here by Thursday night so we can bring enough food. PS: It might be a good opportunity to find some study buddies before the midterm!
Make sure to get your flu shot! Tang is offering clinics More information here.
HW 9 is due 11/13
RSVP to Belonging Brunch if you’re interested
Your first Final Project check-in is due 11/16
Study for the midterm!
Remember to take a deep breath and take care of yourself. You can’t pour from an empty glass! Also be sure to stay safe as you get home. With Daylight Savings, it gets dark earlier, so be sure to walk with a buddy or make use of the night safety services Berkeley offers.
Course Calendar
All lecture slides and videos can be found on bCourses
Week 0
Rigid Body Motion
Week 1
Week 2
(Slides) (Boardwork 1) (Boardwork 2) (Video)
Quaternions / SE(3) / Twists
Reading - MLS 3.2
Week 3
- Lab Module A (Slides)
- Lab 3: Forward Kinematics/Coordinate Transforms (Lab Doc)
- Lab 4: Introduction to Mobile Robots (Lab Doc)
- Robot Usage Guide
- Homework 3: Forward Kinematics - due 9/24 (Solutions)
- Discussion 3: Forward Kinematics (Worksheet) (Video) (Boardwork) (Solutions)
- Bridge Section 3: Screws and Twists (Boardwork) (Video)
Week 4
- Lab Module A (Slides)
- Lab 3: Forward Kinematics/Coordinate Transforms (Lab Doc)
- Lab 4: Introduction to Mobile Robots (Lab Doc)
- Robot Usage Guide
- Homework 4: Inverse Kinematics - due 10/1 (Solutions)
- A reminder that no slip days can be used on this assignment
- Discussion 4: Inverse Kinematics (Worksheet) (Video) (Boardwork) (Solutions)
- Bridge Section 4: Forward and Inverse Kinematics (Boardwork) (Video)
Week 5
- Midterm I 10/03 in class
- Midterm I Review Session (Video)
- Lab Module A Buffer Week
- Discussion: Final Project Rollout (Slides)(Final Project Guidelines) (Final Project Proposal Template)
- Proposal due Friday 10/18
Week 6
Week 7
Velocities and Jacobians
Week 8
(Slides) (Boardwork 1) (Boardwork 2) (Video)
Reading - MLS 3.4
(Slides) (Boardwork 1) (Boardwork 2) (Video)
Reading - MLS 3.4
Week 9
Week 10
Control and Motion Planning
Week 11
- Lab Module C Buffer Week
- Discussion 10: Linear Control Theory (Worksheet) (Video) (PID Supplemental) (Boardwork) (Solutions)
- Bridge Section 10: 3D Dynamics, Control (Video) (Boardwork 1) (Boardwork 2)
- Final Project Check-In I due Sat 11/16
(Complement) (Slides) (Video)
Week 12
- Midterm Review Session (Video) (Nima Boardwork)
- Midterm II on 11/21 in class
- Work on Final Projects
Week 13
(Slides) (Boardwork)
Week 14
(Slides) (More Slides)
(Slides) (Boardwork)
Final Projects
Week 15
Week 16
Finals Week - Good luck on your exams!