h-index: 43 (Web of Science), 53 (Google Scholar).
Total peer-reviewed publications: >90 (30 first-author)
Papers published since 2018 are listed below.
A complete list can be found on my Google Scholar profile.
- Chiang, J.C.H. and Kong, L.Y.L. The Seasonal Cycles of Tropical Sea Surface Temperature from Earth’s Axial Tilt and Orbital Eccentricity. Submitted to Journal of Climate, Jan 2025.
- Chen, Y.-J., Hwang, Y.-T., and Chiang, J.C.H. Seasonal Dependency of Atmopsheric Responses to Extratropcial Forcing. In revision for Journal of Climate, Jan 2025
- Yang, F., Chiang, J.C.H., and Wu, Z. What causes the hemispheric difference in the asymmetry of the temperature annual cycle? In revision for Geophysical Research Letters, December 2024
In press
- Cvijanovic, I. et al. Arctic sea-ice loss drives strong regional atmospheric response over North Pacific and North Atlantic on decadal scales. In press for Communications Earth and Environment, Jan 2025.
- Chiang, J.C.H., and Broccoli, A.J. Orbital eccentricity and Earth’s seasonal cycle. PLOS Climate, 3(7), p.e0000436 (2024). link to paper
- Chiang, J.C.H., P. Maffre, N.L. Swanson-Hysell, and F.A. Macdonald. The role of Southeast Asian Island Topography on Indo-Pacific climate and silicate weathering. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 39(3), e2023PA004672 (2024). link to paper
- Chiang, J.C.H., and Broccoli, A.J. A role for orbital eccentricity in Earth’s seasonal climate. Geosci. Lett. 10, 58 (2023). link to paper
- Maffre, P., J.C.H. Chiang, and N.L. Swanson-Hysell. The effect of Pliocene regional climate changes on silicate weathering: a potential amplifier of Pliocene-Pleistocene cooling. Climates of the Past 19(7), 1461-1479. link to paper
- Wu, C.H., S.Y. Lee, J.C.H. Chiang, and P.C.Tsai. Role of precession on the transition seasons of the Asian monsoon. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6(1), 95. link to paper
- Prohaska, A., Seddon, A.W., Meese, B., Willis, K.J., Chiang, J.C.H. and Sachse, D., 2023. Abrupt change in tropical Pacific climate mean state during the Little Ice Age. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), p.227. link to paper
- Chen, W.H., Ren, H., Chiang, J.C.H., Wang, Y.L., Cai-Li, R.Y., Chen, Y.C., Shen, C.C., Taylor, F.W., DeCarlo, T.M., Wu, C.R. and Mii, H.S., 2023. Increased tropical South Pacific western boundary current transport over the past century. Nature Geoscience, pp.1-7. link to paper
- Feng, Y., Negron-Juarez, R.I., Chiang, J.C.H., and Chambers, J.Q. (2023). Case Studies of Forest Windthrows and Mesoscale Convective Systems in Amazonia. Geophysical Reseach Letters, 50, e2023GL104395. link to paper
- Nicknish, P.A., J.C.H. Chiang, A. Hu and W.R. Boos. Regional Tropical Rainfall Shifts under Global Warming: an Energetic Perspective. Environmental Research - Climate, 2, 015007, DOI 10.1088/2752-5295/acb9b0 link to paper
- Chiang, J.C.H., Atwood, A.R., Vimont, D.J. et al. Two annual cycles of the Pacific cold tongue under orbital precession. Nature 611, 295–300 (2022). SharedIt Link / Research Briefing / Press Release
- Hu, HM., Shen, CC., Chiang, J.C.H. et al. Split westerlies over Europe in the early Little Ice Age. Nat Commun 13, 4898 (2022).
- S Kim, LR Leung, B Guan, JCH Chiang Atmospheric River Representation in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Version 1.0. Geoscientific Model Development, 15, 5461-5480, 2022
- Liu, J., Fung, I.Y. and Chiang, J.C.H., 2022. East Asian Rainbands and Associated Circulation over the Tibetan Plateau Region. Journal of Climate, 35(11), pp.3211-3225.
- Kim, S. and Chiang, J.C.H., 2022. Atmospheric river lifecycle characteristics shaped by synoptic conditions at genesis. International Journal of Climatology, 42(1), pp.521-538.
- Ao, Hong, Eelco J. Rohling, Ran Zhang, Andrew P. Roberts, Ann E. Holbourn, Jean-Baptiste Ladant, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet et al. “Global warming-induced Asian hydrological climate transition across the Miocene–Pliocene boundary.” Nature communications 12, no. 1 (2021): 1-13.
- Chiang, J.C.H., Cheng, W., Kim, W.M. and Kim, S., 2021. Untangling the relationship between AMOC variability and North Atlantic upper‐ocean temperature and salinity. Geophysical Research Letters, p.e2021GL093496.
- Hwang, Y.T., Tseng, H.Y., Li, K.C., Kang, S.M., Chen, Y.J. and Chiang, J.C.H., 2021. Relative roles of energy and momentum fluxes in the tropical response to extratropical thermal forcing. Journal of Climate, 34(10), pp.3771-3786.
- Luković, J., Chiang, J.C.H., Blagojević, D. and Sekulić, A., 2021. A later onset of the rainy season in California. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(4), p.e2020GL090350.
- Kong, W. and Chiang, J.C., 2020. Southward shift of westerlies intensifies the East Asian early summer rainband following El Niño. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(17), p.e2020GL088631. EOS highlight
- Chiang, JCH, W Kong, C-H Wu, and DS Battisti. Origins of East Asian Summer Monsoon Seasonality. Journal of Climate, 33(18), 7945-7965; DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0888.1
- Chiang, JCH, MJ Herman, K Yoshimura, and IY Fung. Enriched East Asian oxygen isotope of precipitation indicates reduced summer seasonality in regional climate and westerlies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Jun 2020, 117 (26) 14745-14750; DOI:10.1073/pnas.1922602117
- Ji, J., Ma, J., Dong, C., Chiang, J.C. and Chen, D., 2020. Regional Dependence of Atmospheric Responses to Oceanic Eddies in the North Pacific Ocean. Remote Sensing, 12(7), p.1161.
- Friedman, A. R. , G. C. Hegerl, A. Schurer, S.-Y. Lee, W. Kong, W. Cheng, and J.C.H. Chiang. Forced and unforced decadal behavior of the interhemispheric SST contrast during the instrumental period (1881–2012): contextualizing the abrupt shift around 1970. Journal of Climate, 33(9) 3487-3509; DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0102.1
- Kong, W, and J.C.H. Chiang, 2020. Interaction of the westerlies with the Tibetan Plateau in determining the mei-yu termination. Journal of Climate, 33, 339–363, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0319.1
- Lamy, F., Chiang, J.C., Martínez-Méndez, G., Thierens, M., Arz, H.W., Bosmans, J., Hebbeln, D., Lambert, F., Lembke-Jene, L. and Stuut, J.B., 2019. Precession modulation of the South Pacific westerly wind belt over the past million years. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(47), pp.23455-23460.
- Chiang, JCH, JK Fischer, W Kong, and MJ Herman: Intensification of the pre-Meiyu rainband in the late 21st century. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 7536-7545
- Hongbin Zhang, Michael L. Griffiths, John C.H. Chiang, Wenwen Kong, Shitou Wu, Alyssa Atwood, Junhua Huang, Hai Cheng, Youfeng Ning, Shucheng Xie. “East Asian hydroclimate modulated by the position of the westerlies during Termination I”. Science, 362, 580-583 (2018).
- Cheng, W., W. Weijer, W. M. Kim, G. Danabasoglu, S.G. Yeager, P.R. Gent, D. Zhang, J.C.H. Chiang, and J. Zhang. Can the salt-advection feedback be detected in the internal variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation? Journal of Climate, 31, 6649-6667 (2018).
- Wu, C.-H., S.-Y. Lee, and J.C.H. Chiang. Relative Influence of Precession and Obliquity in the Early Holocene: Topographic Modulation of Subtropical Seasonality during the Asian Summer Monsoon”. Quaternary Science Reviews, 191, 238-255.
- Chiang, J.C.H., K. S. Tokos, S.-Y. Lee, and K. Matsumoto. “Contrasting impacts of the wintertime South Pacific Split Jet and the Southern Annual Mode modulation on Southern Ocean circulation and biogeochemistry”. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 33(1), 2-20 (2018).